A series of articles of interest to the
FT-200, FT-250, Tempo One
Owners on CD ROM
Brief History: The FT-200 club was originated by ZL1BBU in December 1971 by 1974 the articles were dwindling and club produced the FT-200 instruction and maintenance manual. The manual contains most of all the technical articles about the FT-200 less the social issues of the club. Since no original copies of the manual could be found after much searching, we decided to publish this disk with what was available (copies made from copies) so we apologize for the quality of the FT-200 Newsletters. When and if we ever find originals this disk will be reissued.
The Yaesu FT-200 is an SSB/CW transceiver that covers the pre-WARC amateur bands from 80m to 10m. An early hybrid transceiver mostly tubes with a solid state VFO, it provides around 180watts PEP, good stability and a very good receiver design even under today's crowded band conditions. The design first saw the light of day in the late 60's in a gray and silver case. It was also sold by the European importers as the Sommerkamp FT250 and by Henry Radio of Los Angeles California in the USA as the "Tempo One" (black and silver case). Accessories included an accompanying FP-200 AC power pack to provided necessary voltages from one transformer for 117 or 234 volt AC mains and front firing loudspeaker. An external VFO FV-200 and a DC-200 12 volt power unit was also available for mobile use. The Ft-200 was introduced in October of 1968 and sold into the 1970s.
The same rig sold in the United States by Henry Radio of Los Angeles as the Tempo One
Please Read The Reviews Click Here
CD ROM Includes the following
(ZL FT-200 Newsletters start on page 26)
(By Roger Davis ZS1J)
(By C.L. Maher W4CLM)
(By Colin Guy G4DDI)
~Order Your Tempo One CD ROM today~!
Disks are auto starting and IBM compatible
$20 + 7.50 shipping & handling
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eBay Reviews!
Fast shipping, good information, great ebayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Buyer circut1 ( 213) Aug-05-05 Item 5791380993
Fine Business!!! Buyer f6hic ( 2 ) Jul-29-05 Item 5790114220
Fast Delivery Buyer ak3501 ( 25) Jul-26-05 Item 5788929521
I highly recommend it to
anyone with a Tempo One or who is
just thinking about buying one.
-- John (N0BUP)
I've got to agree, a great CD and the quality I can live with.
Malcolm Smith G0DPT (London)
This was a club project put together by the
members of Fox Tango International 2004 and all funds raised by this CD project
will go directly into maintaining our Club Web site and Radio Graveyard service. We have NO paid officers or
members of the club. Everything is done on a volunteer basis, so this may be one
way for us to improve the club Web service and file storage capability making it
into a more reliable service for you.
Fox Tango International Group Owners
Best 73s
Fox Tango International.