Yaesu FT-220 2 meter 


Yaesu FT-620 6 meter

A Combination made in Radio Heaven Well maybe that's Fukushima, same thing!


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FT-220 144mHz transceiver  Introduced February 1974

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FT-620 50 Mhz Transceiver Introduced February 1975

Seldom if ever seen together in the United States

FT-620 & FT-220 Combination side by side!

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The Challenge was in the acquisition!

This particular unit came from Spain.

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The FT-220 (right) is very difficult if not nearly impossible to find in the United States because of it's limited band coverage from 144 Mhz to 146 Mhz which did not include the FM repeater sub-band. The FCC proposed the first repeater rules for 2 meter repeaters in 1970 with the inputs authorized from 146.3 to 146.6 Mhz and the corresponding outputs  from 146.9 to 147.2 Mhz.

Thus there was very little interest in the FT-220 in the United States at that time. The FT-220 sold well in Germany, Australia and most of Europe.  On the other hand the FT-620B 50 Mhz transceiver is quite plentiful and easily found in the USA.


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 W4CLM Carol L. Maher Fox Tango International